Monday, April 16, 2007

moment of silence

I was just about to post yesterday. It was profound. It was witty. It was my finest work*...

Have I ever mentioned how clumsy I am? It will be on my yet-to-be-completed list of interesting (wierd) things about me. I'm clumsy. I consistently misjudge the height of car door frames, the distance between my body and a table, the length of my arms, the placement of items on the floor within toe-stubbing distance.

Amazingly (and this too should be on my yet-to-be-completed list) I've never broken a bone. Considering how truly clumsy I am, this is a minor miracle.

So, back to my post from yesterday that did not get posted:

I was sitting at my desk at home, composing the previously mentioned amazing post, when I set a glass of water down. I thought to myself "Be careful. Those particular glasses are somewhat unstable and you wouldn't want something bad to happen." (well, actually I thought to myself "hmm... watch it" and then was distracted by something shiny).

You can see where this is going, right?

No sooner had I set the glass down than I bumped the desk and it went flying. I grabbed my iBook and picked it up and unplugged it but it was too late.

It was all I could do to not cry/scream/throw up. I called a service place today and the prognosis, cost-wise, doesn't look good.

The worst part? Aside from not having my computer, not being able to google whatever strange things pop up at any given moment. Aside from not being able to email/MSN/lurk on various blogs. Aside from the sick feeling of having potentially destroyed data/photos on my computer. The worst part?

I have no one to blame but myself.


So, I'm posting from work. I'm trying to figure out when/how I can take poor poor computer in for assessment/repair. Not that it will make much noticeable difference in the regular appearance of posts here. ehem.

Wish me luck.

Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket... and put foam on all sharp corners around me.

*okay, so it was probably just a nothing post but work with me here. I'm grieving the loss of my computer. and feeling stupid. and poor. and stupid.

7:08 pm (MST)
Update: IT. IS. A. MIRACLE!!!

I spent most of my day fighting back the sinking feeling that comes from knowing that I will have to spend a large sum of money to fix something that needs fixing because I messed up. That's not a fun feeling. Sort of ranks up there with the feeling of needing a rootcanal... on ALL of your teeth.

Talking to the repair technician earlier in the day made me feel worse, since he said that the WORST thing I could have done was try to turn the computer back on after the water incident (well, it was after the water had drained off and the computer was mostly dry). All afternoon, I sort of had a running conversation with God, begging for my computer to work when I got home. It didn't work when I tried it a bunch of times last night, nor did it this morning when I left for work, so I figured I had nothing to lose when I got home, put the battery back in and plugged it in.

Well, sign me up for a Mac commercial: My computer "healed" itself. I'm writing this update on my formerly soaked iBook. Take THAT service tech with your scary proclamations of doom. Take THAT know-it-alls who laughed at me. Take THAT self for panicking and all the self-recrimination.


Now to set up the impenetrable moisture barriers around my desk.

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